ID:               19570
 Comment by:       xk-liber at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      apetrenko at tmsoft-ltd dot kiev dot ua
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Gettext related
 Operating System: all
 PHP Version:      4.2.3
 New Comment:

You can note that ' ( --> ' ) is not in this list too.

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-24 05:10:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

In case this was a PHP problem, snapshots of the sources are packaged
every three hours; this change will be in the next snapshot. You can
grab the snapshot at
In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up soon at

In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites in short time.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.


[2002-09-24 03:54:10] apetrenko at tmsoft-ltd dot kiev dot ua

This is the code:

$tt = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);
while (list ($key, $value) = each ($tt))
        echo $key." -> ".htmlspecialchars ($value)."<br>";

The result:

 -> &nbsp;
¡ -> &iexcl;
¢ -> &cent;
£ -> &pound;
¤ -> &curren;
¥ -> &yen;
¦ -> &brvbar;
§ -> &sect;
¨ -> &uml;
© -> &copy;
ª -> &ordf;
« -> &laquo;
¬ -> &not;
­ -> &shy;
® -> &reg;
¯ -> &macr;
° -> &deg;
± -> &plusmn;
² -> &sup2;
³ -> &sup3;
´ -> &acute;
µ -> &micro;
¶ -> &para;
· -> &middot;
¸ -> &cedil;
¹ -> &sup1;
º -> &ordm;
» -> &raquo;
¼ -> &frac14;
½ -> &frac12;
¾ -> &frac34;
¿ -> &iquest;
À -> &Agrave;
Á -> &Aacute;
 -> &Acirc;
à -> &Atilde;
Ä -> &Auml;
Å -> &Aring;
Æ -> &AElig;
Ç -> &Ccedil;
È -> &Egrave;
É -> &Eacute;
Ê -> &Ecirc;
Ë -> &Euml;
Ì -> &Igrave;
Í -> &Iacute;
Î -> &Icirc;
Ï -> &Iuml;
Ð -> &ETH;
Ñ -> &Ntilde;
Ò -> &Ograve;
Ó -> &Oacute;
Ô -> &Ocirc;
Õ -> &Otilde;
Ö -> &Ouml;
× -> &times;
Ø -> &Oslash;
Ù -> &Ugrave;
Ú -> &Uacute;
Û -> &Ucirc;
Ü -> &Uuml;
Ý -> &Yacute;
Þ -> &THORN;
ß -> &szlig;
à -> &agrave;
á -> &aacute;
â -> &acirc;
ã -> &atilde;
ä -> &auml;
å -> &aring;
æ -> &aelig;
ç -> &ccedil;
è -> &egrave;
é -> &eacute;
ê -> &ecirc;
ë -> &euml;
ì -> &igrave;
í -> &iacute;
î -> &icirc;
ï -> &iuml;
ð -> &eth;
ñ -> &ntilde;
ò -> &ograve;
ó -> &oacute;
ô -> &ocirc;
õ -> &otilde;
ö -> &ouml;
÷ -> &divide;
ø -> &oslash;
ù -> &ugrave;
ú -> &uacute;
û -> &ucirc;
ü -> &uuml;
ý -> &yacute;
þ -> &thorn;
& -> &amp;
" -> &quot;
< -> &lt;
> -> &gt;

The letter "ÿ" is missed in resulting table (the last letter in russian
alphabet, html translated string is &yuml;)


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