ID:               24022
 User updated by:  jim at falconsoft dot com
 Reported By:      jim at falconsoft dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         ODBC related
 Operating System: Windows Server 2k3
 PHP Version:      4.3.2
 Assigned To:      edink
 New Comment:

Thank you for the help.

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-04 23:29:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jim, this was caused by fixing bug #22580
(should have guessed that breaks it elsewhere then)


[2003-06-04 23:27:05] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's just missing HAVE_SQLDATASOURCES define in the win32 build
stuff..Edin, can you fix this? 

And for Derick and George: READ the reports before bogusing..


[2003-06-04 13:42:09] jim at falconsoft dot com

I love how upgrading to a newer version causes things to break and
somehow magically this is not php's fault.  I've searched for the past
2 days to try to find out what is causing this and no one has been able
to provide me with any answers.  Perhaps someone here would be so kind
as to inform me what the differences are between 4.3.2RC4 and 4.3.2
are.  Obviously something was changed that is causing this problem.


[2003-06-04 12:17:55] jim at falconsoft dot com

When running php 4.3.2RC4 i do NOT get the error, but running php 4.3.2
gives me the error:

Call to undefined function: odbc_data_source()

I am attempting to run the CLI version of php.  I have tried this on 2
machines.  1 Running win server 2k3 and another running win xp pro sp1.


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