ID:               27347
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      Ernest at Beinrohr dot sk
-Status:           Closed
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         SNMP related
 Operating System: linux 2.4
 PHP Version:      4.3.4
 New Comment:

Not a bug -> Bogus

Previous Comments:

[2004-02-27 03:22:43] Ernest at Beinrohr dot sk

in php-4.3.4 new install the bug has not show up.

damn, sorry for robbing your time.


[2004-02-26 15:48:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Forgot to ask: EXACTLY what error do you get?

(About the version: It _is_ set to 1 in snmpget() )


[2004-02-23 03:20:32] Ernest at Beinrohr dot sk

Ok, but this fails only with SNMPv1 device. That's the problem.


$printer_oid = "";

snmpget("jetdirect", "public", $printer_oid));



[2004-02-22 08:42:35] Ernest at Beinrohr dot sk

I use the newest stable php 4.3.4 and I cannot query my old jetdirect
network device with php-snmp. With command line tools it works only
when I specify version 1.

linux 2.4.22


Reproduce code:
with SNMPv1 devices

Expected result:
should get a response

Actual result:
no response from SNMPv1 device.


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