On Mon,  5 Mar 2001 14:17, Peter Houchin wrote:

> > Hiya,
> am near completeion of a site only i can't get any mail to send to
> multiple recipients at all .. either in the  "To:" section or having on
> email in "To" and one email address in "CC" section.. and i need to be
> able to do this ... can any one offer any suggestions ...( I'd prefer
> to have one in the "To" section and one in the "CC" section 
 I'm am
> using sendmail on solaris 2.6 to send the actual emails 
> <-- Start of snip--->
> $address .= $email  ;
> $subject = "VFSA-eRentals Calculation Results";
> $body="blah blah\n";
> $headers .= "CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "; 
> mail("$address", "$subject", "$body", "$headers \nContent-Type:
> text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 64bit"  );
> <--- end of snip--->
> any help would be greatful :)
> Peter Houchin
> Sun Rentals
Two things that may or may not be part of your problem; 

first, if there is already something in $headers then appending the cc to 
it may give you an invalid string; and

second, you might try Cc: instead of CC:

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
RESEARCH CENTRE FOR INJURY STUDIES  | http://www.nisu.flinders.edu.au/
AusEinet                            | http://auseinet.flinders.edu.au/
            Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

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