Jens Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to extract the "name"-attribute of all anchors out of an
> HTML-source-code which don't have the "href"-attribute. I can use this
> code to get the "name"-attribute:
> preg_match_all('/<a([^>]*?)name=[ \'\"](.*?)[
> \'\"](.*?)>/is',$src,$ar);
> The name-attributes are now in $ar[2]. How can I exclude all links
> which have the href-attribute? I didn't find an easy way how to say
> that a string must _not_ be part of a pattern match. I hope you can
> give me some advise.
> Jens

This is one lousy solution but hey - it's a solution after all; you
can simply remove all <a> tags containing href before doing the
preg_match_all()-call, something like this below should do it I think.

$src = preg_replace('/<a[^>]*?href=[^>]*?>/is', '', $src);


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