Manuel Lemos wrote:


On 08/26/2004 02:12 PM, Jeff Oien wrote:

I'm using the code below and about a third of the posts aren't getting through. We have no idea why and don't know where to start to trouble shoot. Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you sure the data is always URL encoded?

Anyway, some servers intentionally refuse x-form-url-encoded data and only accept multipart/form-data posts. It is odd but it was actually one user of this class that warned me. You may want to try it as it forces multipart/form-data POSTs even when you are not uploading files:

I'm sure it is because I'm using this code for the data. Unless I'm missing something.

$arr = array();

foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $arr[] = $key.'='.urlencode($value);

$data = implode('&',$arr);

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