Michael Sims wrote:
Jochem Maas wrote:


If one must check the value and not just the existence of the
checkbox entry, or for other uses, e.g. where a flag may or may not
be present, one is saddled with clumsy constructs like:

        if (($isset($array['index']) && ($array['index'] == 1)) ...

okay, I get where your coming from - indeed nasty business them checkboxes.

Here's an approach that I like which I think cuts down on the clumsy

On a "controller" page (the C in MVC) that handles form submissions I create
an array which defines what form variables are available and their default
values if not entered.  I then use array_merge() to combine that array with
$_POST (or $_GET, as the case may be) and the result is an array that
contains all of my form variables with each guaranteed to be set and contain
a sane default.  array_merge() works in such a way that values in the first
default array will only be replaced if they actually exist in $_POST, which
is what I want.  (Contrived) example:

$formVars = array_merge(array(
  'firstName'     => '',
  'lastName'      => '',
  'contactMethod' => 'email',
  'flags'         => array('one' => 0, 'two' => 0, 'three' => 0)
), $_POST);

Its a good idea - although to make this example work I believe you would need to use array_merge_recursive() - which does what you mean ;-)

The above handles the case where you have: <input type="checkbox" name="flags[one]" value="1"> <input type="checkbox" name="flags[two]" value="1"> <input type="checkbox" name="flags[three]" value="1">

Now, I do:

if (!empty($_POST)) {

  if (trim($formVars['firstName']) == '') {
    //complain that first name is required

  if ($formVars['flags']['one']) {
    //handle the case where the first checkbox is checked



This way I can safely reference anything in $formVars under E_ALL without
throwing notices.  I think it's a lot cleaner than the constant
(!isset($_POST['var']) || $_POST['var'] == '') stuff...YMMV

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