Talkin' to myself...

does this solve the issue?

header ("Cache-Control: no-cache");


"William Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti 
> Hello,
> I have an web application that checks users rights to specific parts of 
> the apllication at the beginning of each page. However I noticed, with the 
> help of Jason Barnett, that opera caches pages locally and the users 
> rights check fails. The application works fine with Firefox and IE. So I 
> think I need to prevent the pages from beeing cached. How this can be 
> done? I'm totally inexperinced with this stuff.
> The authentication is a 2 part task. First the username and password are 
> checked and the user is given or denied access. This works ok with every 
> browser. But once inside the user access rights check to differt parts of 
> the application fails because of the Opera cache.
> Thanks
> -Will 

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