Cas wrote:
Tried the newest libXML stable release (2.6.19) and recompiled mod_php with it
but I still have get the error:

Warning: Couldn't fetch DOMDocument in
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/pluxbox/test.php on line 20

May I ask what your system specs are? (OS, PHP and libXML version).

sure, I only ran the code locally yesterday:

WinXPHome + latest WAMP release (php5.0.4) (no idea what version of libxml2 
that contains)

you keep mentioning libxml.... but I was pretty sure that php5's xml stuff is
all based on libxml2.

sorry I can't be of more help right now.

Greetings, Cas

On 4/25/05, Cas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On both systems i use libxml 2.6.18, both Gentoo (2005.0) machines. I
asked in the irc channels if more people could run my script to be
sure it wasn't my system and two of the two people also had the
problem (dunno what their systems are, but one runned PHP 5.0.4). I
think it's weird I get different errors on my both systems what indeed
does suggest (at least one of) my system(s) are/is borked cause both
are PHP 5.0.3 and libXML 2.6.18.
I'm now updating to libXML 2.6.19 to see if it will fix my problem,
otherwise i will indeed work around the problem. My best suggestion is
to write the DOMDocument to a random filename and pass the name
through the sessions instead of the real dom object.
Any better solutions are more then welcome!


On 4/25/05, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Cas wrote:


I'm trying to read a (XML object) DOMDocument from an session but when I
try to do this from another page then where it's declared, it can't be read it.
I _can_ read the DOMDocument on the same page out of the session.
and also print_r(_SESSION); shows it still is a DOMDocument on all pages.

The attached file shows the problem. I get different results running
the script on
PHP 5.0.3 and 5.0.4 servers (all linux).
My expected result is that the DOMDocument is printed out when submit is hit,
but instead it gives different results:

Fatal error: Call to a member function saveXML() on a non-object in
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/dom_session.php on line 21

Warning: Couldn't fetch DOMDocument in
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/dom_session.php on line 21

I had a look at you problem... and I found it impossible to reproduce the errors or warnings - this leads me to believe that something on your system(s) is ****ed, libxml2 would a good place to start looking....


even though I managed to retrieve the DomDocument object from the session
on the second/subsequent requests the object stored in the session did not
contain the XML string that was originally loaded.... so that
$_SESSION['dom']->saveXML() return NULL. which is not what I would expect but 
its correct behaviour.

anyway if you get so far as to see the same behaviour as I do you may have 
solid to report as a bug (or at least post a question here, or possibly on 
otherwise you're looking at refactoring you code to work around the problem

I thought it was a bug in PHP and opened a bug report allready but it's closed.

Does anyone has an idea what could be wrong with it?

Thanks in advance,

Caspar Adriani


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