Read them into an array then sort the array.

while more files
  get file name
  $arrFilenames[] = $filename;
  $arrFilenames = array_sort($arrFilenames);

The above sorts the array each time a file is read as you requested, 
however its more efficient to read them all in then sort

while more files
   get file name
   $arrFilenames[] = $filename;

$arrFilenames = array_sort($arrFilenames);


-----Original Message-----
From: Johannes Rumpf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 April 2001 13:43
Subject: [PHP] sorting filenames using opendir and readdir

I wanted to get a txt files in a dircetory, I wrote the script using 
opendir and readdir functions. But now I would like to sort the files 
while I read them in. how could I solve this problem?
                      Johannes Rumpf

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