I know this discussion doesn't need to continue any further..hah.. but I think 
the biggest confusion people are having is that they're looking at two things 
and assuming that PHP operates the same on both and these two things serve 
different purposes.

1. Incrementing strings: Best example giving was "File1"++ == "File2" or 
"FileA"++ == "FileB".  In that case, wouldn't you want it to go from FileZ to 
FileAA?  Makes sense right?

2. Comparing "greatness" of strings:  Rasmus mentioned this earlier, but I 
wante to illustrate it a little more because I think it was overlooked.  If you 
have a list of names, for instance, and you alphabetize them, you'd get 
something like this:


Just become a name is longer doesn't mean it comes after the rest of the names 
in the list.  So in that vane, anything starting in "A" will never be > 
something starting with a "Z".  a < z  aa < z  aaa < z because:


When using interation and a for loop and " <= z" it gets to "y" and it's true, 
gets to "z" and it's still true, then increments to "az" and yup.. still < "z". 
 As mentioned, it's not until you get to something starting in "z" with 
something after it that you're > "z".

So hopefully that makes a little more sense.


= = = Original message = = =

tedd wrote:
> At 1:09 PM -0700 6/4/06, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>>> I agree with [1] and [2], but [3] is where we part company. You see, if you 
>>> are right, then "aaa" would also be less than "z", but that doesn't appear 
>>> so.
>> Of course it is.
>> php -r 'echo "aaa" < "z";'
>> 1
> You missed the point, why does --
> for ($i="a"; $i<="z"; $i++)
>   echo($i);
> -- not continue past "aaa"? Clearly, if "aaa" is less than "z" then why does 
> the loop stop at "yz"?

I thought I explained that a few times.  The sequence is:

a b c ... x y z aa ab ac ... yx yy yz za zb zc ... zy zx zz aaa aab

Your loop stops at yz and doesn't get anywhere near aaa because za > z


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