> If you've got several more hours to spare, providing a Google map as
> an alternative is also quite do-able, though not as quick-n-easy as
> you have to walk the XML output in Javascript "by hand" instead of
> letting a built-in function do it for you.
> Then you just need to spend a day or two figuring out how to get the
> dang maps to zoom in and focus on the zip code point you want.  That
> has a couple gotchas I've just stumbled through myself, but can't
> really express yet in short form...

I do this on a site I'm developing, and the shortcut I took was simply to
plug in the address in the URL and launch it into a new JS window.open()
using the features attributes. Popup blockers don't prevent that and it
looks very clean. Plus it's trivial to do and gives you all the fancy Google
maps zooming, directions and such...




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