I'm not trying to pre-populate the text area.
I just want to get the input from the user and make sure he can
only insert chars that I allow. The only char I have a problem with
is the " (Quote). If I enter a " into the text area the regexp bellow
does not allow it in.

preg_match("/^[à-úA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s\"- ]*$/i",$FieldValue) - Fails
preg_match("/^[à-úA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s\\"- ]*$/i",$FieldValue) (This one gives 
a php error cause the \\" closes the opening ")
preg_match('/^[א-תA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s"- ]*$/i',$FieldValue) - Fails
preg_match('/^[א-תA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s\"- ]*$/i',$FieldValue) - Fails
preg_match('/^[א-תA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s\\"- ]*$/i',$FieldValue) - Fails

So how can I allow a quote (") to be a valid char?


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 3:55 AM
To: WeberSites LTD
Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] RegExp

On Thu, December 14, 2006 11:47 pm, WeberSites LTD wrote:
> I'm trying to limit the text someone can submit in a text area with :
> Code:
> if(!preg_match("/^[à-úA-Za-z0-9_():,@\/\.\s\-\" ]*$/i",$FieldValue)) {
> }
> It works well but I'm having problems with the " (double quote).
> If there is a double quote (") it fails.

Fails in what way?

Are you sure you are remembering to do http://php.net/htmlentities on the data 
you send out for the TEXTAREA to pre-populate it?

Does PCRE need " escaped inside the [] bit?  I think not, but I suppose \\" 
instead of \" couldn't hurt.

You may also want to move the - to the end of [] character set and lose the \, 
just to keep it simpler.

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