Jim Lucas wrote:
Rihad wrote:

Now will you mentally copy and paste the above code several times, doing the necessary text substitutions, what will you get? Three identical copies of doSetColumn() in each class! And the real doSetColumn() is a bit heavier than a one-liner. We come full circle.

I don't understand, which part(s) are you copying multiple times? Foo, FooBase, all the above...

if you are talking about having multiple Foo classes with one common FooBase class for each that they all inherit then it would be simple, move soSetColumn() to the FooBase class.


In short: there are several sets of Xxx, XxxPeer, BaseXxx, BaseXxxPeer.

The long and uncut story: please take a look at how Symfony and more specifically its ORM Propel does things to better understand the nightmare I'm talking about. Computers don't have a hard time with code duplication when generating source code: they can always scratch things and start anew in a second (or half a second on a dual-cpu box). Code generation is the latest hot topic that lays the "Web 2.0" buzzword hands down. The funny part starts when humans, who are not really good at code duplication, try interfacing with the kilobytes of generated masses of source code at the API level. You find yourself repeating code everywhere, and it occurs so naturally that you begin to kind of like it that way. Just kidding.

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