I write many CLI scripts in PHP to clean up DB records, etc via crontab
scripts. Often though, I implement command line switches to 'debug' or see
various data as a precaution before actually purging.

Perl has some neat tools built in to format tabular data:

Does PHP have any tools like this? I'd prefer not to pull in some PEAR
package or other bloat, but I'll take what I can get if it actually works
well. I was hoping there are some tips/tricks to show simple tabular data:


# foo.php --showgroups

Name:     Expires:     Date:
--------  ------------ -----------
groupA        3 hours   2007-10-08
groupBeta    10 hours   2007-11-10
groupC        1 week    2007-12-31

notice basic things like alignment, 
length of data (as in 'tabs' won't work), etc.

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