
I want to thank you. You sent me thinking in the right direction to resolving 
this issue. I now have successfully created a live Pika Card status GUI using 

The key word in what you said was unique function. I was not thinking to write 
a function. I was looking for the quick solve (php MySQL loop or something 
stupid). Not only does this work flawless but it has surpassed all my 
expectations of the gui.

Todd thank you again for your suggestions and you helped me allot.


I see someone mentioned the setTimeout(function, milliseconds) function for 
JavaScript. I would also like to point out that you can use 
setInterval(function, milliseconds) in order to have an event repeat at a set 
interval. For instance, let's say you had a page laid out like so:

<div id="blah">
        Text here

You would want to add a script somewhere that would begin the interval in order 
to update the div:

<script type="text/javascript">
        function ajaxRequest()
                // <insert postback code here>

                document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML = ajax.responseText;  

        var t = setInterval("ajaxRequest()", 5000);

This assumes that your XmlHttpRequest object is named "ajax". Assigning the 
interval to variable "t" ensures that you can clear the interval if you need to 
(via "clearInterval(t);").

I suppose "innerText" can be used instead of "innerHTML", as well. I would 
recommend using innerHTML only if you will be populating the div with HTML 
code, however.

Hope this helps,

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PHP] php mysql live feed
> Okay before i pull more hair out...
> I am trying to use php to pull mysql data and refresh the mysql data
> every say 5 seconds for like a live display of the database without the
> screen reloading.
> I want the data to refresh but not the screen. Ajax seems to hate me
> because everything i have seen/read/tried is wrapped around ASP.NET or
> requires a user interaction to invoke the query.
> If you have example scripts or a good tutorial that actually works
> where you can open a php script and the data changes on the page as the
> database does and the screen does not refresh, and you don’t have to
> onclick, onfocus, or onblur kind of thing. I would be in your debt
> Frustrated Rick
> --
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