Hi all-

Is anyone using PHP 4.0.6 with GD 2.0.1? (yes I like to live on the 
bleeding edge :-)

I'm developing an application that does a lot of image operations and 
would like to be able to use the new ImageCopyResampled() and 
ImageCreateFromString() functions.

I'm using PHP 4.0.6 with GD 1.8.4 right now, and all is well. However, 
when I install GD 2.0.1, PHP's make dies, saying there is something 
wrong with gdio.h. I've removed all GD 1.8.4 bits from my box, just in 
case there is a library conflict; and the --with-gd-[DIR] is set 
correctly during PHP's ./configure, but make still goes kablooey.


Ben Gollmer

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