
Can anybody help me with some problem?

Here it is.

I need to create PNG image with PHP script.
When I try to create the image with ImagePNG(), I get warning: "PHP Warning:
imagepng: unable to open temporary file in ../../include/Gr_sektor.php on
line 413". Image is not created, as you are right thinking.

What temporary file? Where is it usually created? How can I change the place
to another? Or, may be, I should give some rights for my anonymous user for
specific folder (what?).

The exterior: Win2000Srv, IIS 5.0, anonimous (IUSR_SERVER2) user for access.

Help, please!

Alexander Rybin
ICQ: 13391736
τΕΜ./ζΑΛΣ: +7-(08439)-62194

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