Shouldn't this work?  I did it because I want the link to change to the
"top-alt" class when the certain link is selected.

but when i do this... they "if" statement is always active even if its not
on the page.

what am i doing wrong.

  $name = getenv ("SCRIPT_NAME");

    if($name == "/site/portfolio.php" or "/site/portfolio-ps.php)
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"110\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top-alt\"
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"110\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top\" href=\"portfolio.php\">portfolio</a></td>"
    if($name == "/site/services.php" or "/site/services-ws.php")
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"20\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top-alt\" href=\"services.php\">services</a></td>";
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"20\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top\" href=\"services.php\">services</a></td>"
    if($name == "/site/casestudies.php" or "/site/casestudies-ap.php")
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"20\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top-alt\" href=\"casestudies.php\">case
     echo "<td nowrap><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"20\"
height=\"1\"><a class=\"top\" href=\"casestudies.php\">case

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