I run a web application that opens a socket using cURL and sends data to a
payment gateway and then receives confirmations, etc... Sometimes, a visitor
clicks multiple times and I have the program check to see if a transaction
is already in process, and if so, it redirects them to a page where they can
check to see whether the transaction has gone through. So now I have 1
thread/request going, doing the processing, and returning the data, and a
second thread where the visitor can check to see if thread 1 has come back
from processing or not. Normally, this works okay.

SOMETIMES, thread 1 does not come back with data from the gateway, as if the
connection had timed out. Sometimes the gateway has processed the
transaction, and sometimes not. So I would like to know if there's a program
or something that will allow me to either log socket communication, or to
monitor the sockets, etc... Can anyone help me out with this?

- Jonathan

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