I'm finding my script on www.fromtheduke.com/session/ still doesn't work
even with the <?=SID?> in the link or passing it along in the form.

On 9/24/2001 12:49 PM this was written:

> On Monday 24 September 2001 18:39, Thomas Deliduka wrote:
>> On 9/24/2001 12:32 PM this was written:
>>>> After reloading IE on the PC now the SID constant doesn't
>>>> echo anything at
>>>> all.
>>> SID is always defined on the first page request. It is only
>>> defined on later page requests if cookies are disabled in the
>>> browser.
>> So, I shouldn't use that if I'm depending on SID to display on
>> pages to pass the session ID.  Or what, disable cookie support in
>> my php.ini?
> No, SID constant is especially usefull when you don't know if the
> user accepts cookies or not. SID will have a real value (e.g.
> PHPSESSID=lk123s....) when you should add it to the url, and will
> have an empty value when you don't need to deal with it (because it's
> been stored in cookie).


Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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