Dear all
I had a Form Called Login.php, this form will pass the login Username to

For the Main.php i create a form for user to choose what they want to do
from the List/Menu. Once they had select the choose and press the Option,
the value of the Selected choose will pass back to Main.php to perform some

The step is when Login.php had submitted , the Username ($user) is passed to
Main.php, so in Main.php i had a script
print ("Hello!$user");
and the below i had a  List Select Menu which let user to Choose what they
want to do. Once they selected , press the Submit button, the form will pass
back to itself! which is "Post=$php_self"". here the problem appear, once it
post back the value to itself, the $user will be gone, which i understand
why, but is there anyway that once the $user had passed to main.php, the
$user's variable will be hold constant in main.php?

I really waiting for your help!


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