sniper          Tue Mar  6 08:33:04 2001 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/chapters install.xml 
  Corrected the order of in which problems should be dealt with.
  Added a note about first reading the bugs-dos-and-donts before
  submitting a bug report.
Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xml:1.44 phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xml:1.45
--- phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xml:1.44 Mon Feb 26 01:35:14 2001
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/install.xml      Tue Mar  6 08:33:04 2001
@@ -4258,17 +4258,6 @@
-   <sect2 id="install.bugreports">
-    <title>Bug reports</title>
-    <simpara>
-     If you think you have found a bug in PHP, please report it.  The
-     PHP developers probably don't know about it, and unless you
-     report it, chances are it won't be fixed. You can report bugs
-     using the bug-tracking system at <ulink
-      url="&url.php.bugs;">&url.php.bugs;</ulink>.
-    </simpara>
-   </sect2>
    <sect2 id="install.otherproblems">
     <title>Other problems</title>
@@ -4290,6 +4279,22 @@
      you are running PHP as CGI or a server module, etc.), and
      preferably enough code to make others able to reproduce and test
      your problem.
+    </simpara>
+   </sect2>
+   <sect2 id="install.bugreports">
+    <title>Bug reports</title>
+    <simpara>
+     If you think you have found a bug in PHP, please report it.  The
+     PHP developers probably don't know about it, and unless you
+     report it, chances are it won't be fixed. You can report bugs
+     using the bug-tracking system at <ulink
+      url="&url.php.bugs;">&url.php.bugs;</ulink>.
+    </simpara>
+    <simpara>
+     Read the <ulink 
+      url="&url.php.bugdosdonts;">Bugs-Dos-And-Donts</ulink> 
+     before submitting any bug reports!

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