Hi there.

I thought I'll start a new topic for this. 
You won't punish me for that? :P

> > What do others think about that?
> I give a +1 for adapting the PEAR coding standard for Manual examples.
+1 from me.

> Slawomir Pucia said some mails ago, we should be consistent about using
> ' or " for strings (+1 for ' where no metachars or variables need to be
> parsed).

> $variables shoud be concatenated with '. instead of using "$var strng". 
-1. I prefer "$var string".

> Lowercase <html>-tags.

> (+1 for echo).

> > Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you Egon, and
> > to everybody reading these mails. :)
> the same to you.
+10 :)))
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone :).

`--:[ Marcin ``DomBal'' Dąbrowski ]-[ http://dombal.underground.pl/ ]:--.
.--:[ CONTACTmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-+-[ orgz: CUD, ISOC, PJWSTK, RWO ]:--'
`--:[ ,, Love is the law. Love under will. '' --- (Alister Crowley) ]:--.
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