On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 23:39:37 +0100
Friedhelm Betz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My personal opinion: I think it's great to have these zend docs
> available at phpdoc. Since the manual is at first glance a manual for
> users, and already very large (and will grow in future) I hope this
> will _NOT_ become a part of the manual. Providing it as seperate
> "developer manual" would be a better idea IMHO.
> But I am also no "old pro" and nothing to decide.

having the manual as it is now as the user-manual and the zend api docs
as a start for a developer-manual that reference each other is a good
thing [tm] imho. the user-manual  may have an appendix "extending PHP"
which contains a pointer to the developer-manual

Q: Thank Jan? A: http://geschenke.an.dasmoped.net/

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