> Thanks for your additions. Looking forward for more.....:-)
> I tried to incorporate them, also the contributions from the other people.
> Have a look online http://www.holliwell.de/draft/draft1
> or download at http://www.holliwell.de/draft/draft1.tar.gz (about 4kb)
> Keep in mind it`s a draft and just an attempt to gather the ideas and
> contributions :-). Feel free to comment, change and so on ....

I think it is just time to heat up the discussion about this.

Some additions I can think of:

  Error handling: die is not right for production, but a complex if
  is not needed, either one can use a user defined error function,
  or more easily can use trigger_error(), or user_error(), which
  adds much more options and possibilities than using die, and
  is completely appropriate to use in production:

  $conn = mysql_connect(...) or user_error("Cannot connect", E_USER_ERROR);

  This will cause the script to stop running, and to print out a
  PHP style error message by default. But php.ini can be set up
  to redirect this to syslog, or use a special error handling function.

  IMHO use this way of error handling in examples. Why we use it,
  should be explained in the "error handling" and/or "about the manual"

  Sample outputs: <para> in exmaple is not allowed, so the screen example
  in your draft wont work with docbook. Need to invent some other
  type of output.

It would be nice to hear what others think about this draft, as we can
only make things standards after proper discussion, but it would be nice
to have a standard in a short term.


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