Hello everyone,

Let's talk about pman (PHP man pages) and eventually post their existence 
online here:

 - http://php.net/download-docs.php

A few questions:

 1. Where should detailed 'how to install pman' be documented? Probably within 
the PHP manual itself.
 2. Can people install it without PEAR? How?
 3. How exactly do we manage releases for the pman channel?

Hannes wrote a bit about pman here:

 - http://bjori.blogspot.com/2010/01/unix-manual-pages-for-php-functions.html

And pman is at version 1.0.1 currently (from July 2009) so we should start 
updating it, probably weekly. And speaking of building, the following builds 
and tests/runs pman:

 $ cd phpdoc
 $ php doc-base/configure.php
 $ phd -f manpage -P PHP -d doc-base/.manual.xml -o phpmanpages
 $ mv phpmanpages/php-functions phpmanpages/man3
 $ man -M ./phpmanpages strpos

The script that comes with the pman package (via 'pear install 
doc.php.net/pman') is like the following:

 MAN=`which man`
 $MAN -M /the/full/path/to/your/pmanpages/here $*


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