i am not getting you, other means, Is there anything else except phpldapadmin. i am just using phpldapadmin from last 6-7 months, it was working fine for me. But due to some updatation on server like php,apache,mysql etc i have reinstall the phpldapadmin, so now i am not able to login with the same username and password.
i have send the screen shot too to you, you can check there.
this is very big issue and so urgent, pls update me soon if someone knows the solution.


Can you authenticate through ldap by other means, or is it just failing with ldap-admin?

I would first check that any config files did not get replaced from the upgrade.

If this turns out to be an actual ldap issue, you should seek help in the appropriate forums for that specific ldap product.

On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 03:26 -0400, jitender wrote:
   Can someone please help me out, i working on ldap from last 6-7 months. It
   was working well for me, but now when i update the server, all the things
   like php,apache,samba,mysql etc. it is not working now. Even though there
   is data in the database means it is showing me all the users there in
   ldap, but i am not able to login there in phpldapadmin. I am getting error
   bad username and password.
   I am really getting frustate now.
   Please help me out...
   thanks in advance,

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