Hi all,

with the Pil21 release of today (version 23.8.8), the names of all Lisp entry
point functions inside the binary interpreter (bin/picolisp) were changed.

Until now, they were e.g. _car, _cdr, _read, _print etc. They were changed to an
upper case first letter, _Car, _Cdr, _Read, _Print etc. The reason was a
possible name conflict with system call functions in some operating systems
(most notably FreeBSD).

For "normal" PicoLisp programs nothing changes.

Only if you called built-in functions directly via native calls, e.g.

   (%@ "_cons" T '(T cons (+ 3 4) (* 3 4)))

you need to change that now to

   (%@ "_Cons" T '(T cons (+ 3 4) (* 3 4)))

☺/ A!ex

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