Hi Jon,

> I would like to try the 64-bit PicoLisp on my Intel Mac, and I guess
> using the (now Oracle) VirtualBox should be one possible way to go.

I don't know anything about VirtualBox, but I doesn't sound impossible.
The "cleanest" way, however, would be if we at last succeeded to get
64-bit PicoLisp running natively on the Mac. As far as I recall, we were
quite near, having the assembler output being relocatable (because MacOS
doesn't support the modern elf format), but in the end there were some
obstacles I dont' remember well and which I could not solve (having no
Mac, in the first place).

> I could maybe start off using one of the GNU/Linux images available
> here: http://virtualboxes.org/images/
> However, to get the 64-bit PicoLisp up and running, I would need a
> system with the necessary developer tools (C, make, ...) installed.

So a Linux image sounds like a good way to go. 'C' is not needed, but
'make' and the GNU assembler 'as' are.

> And on the other hand, I could do without a GUI system (GNOME, KDE).
> Would the Linux system or my Mac, or both, have to be in 64-bit mode
> for the 64-bit PicoLisp to work?

I would say: yes. Because a 32-bit Linux cannot execute 64-bit binaries
(the other way round works, though)

Why do you need a ready-made Linux image? Isn't there a direct way,
perhaps even with a live-CD, to start Linux on the Mac?

- Alex
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