Hi Jon,

> Each property in a symbol's tail is either a symbol (like the single
> KEY above, then it represents a boolean value), ...
> Can such a "single KEY" represent anything else than the boolean 'T'?
> If it cannot, I think the docs should say so. If it can, I'd like to
> see an example!

Yes, it can be any symbol.

If you create a "normal" propery (not a single KEY but a KEY/VAL pair),
you call it like

   (put 'A 'drink 'vodka)

and you get a symbol tail of

         +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+
         |  |  |  ---+---> | 'A' |  /  |
         +--+--+-----+     +-----+-----+
            | vodka | drink |

However, if the property _value_ is 'T' (i.e. you specify a boolean

   (put 'A 'thirsty T)

then it the value is omitted as an optimization to save space, and only
the key is stored:

         +---------+-----+     +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+
         | thirsty |  ---+---> |  |  |  ---+---> | 'A' |  /  |
         +---------+-----+     +--+--+-----+     +-----+-----+
                                  | vodka | drink |

In that way, boolean properties need only a single cell, instead of two!

You can see the result with 'getl'

   : (getl 'A)
   -> (thirsty (vodka . drink))

and the 'get' family of functions knows about that speciality and
returns 'T':

   : (get 'A 'thirsty)
   -> T
   : (get 'A 'drink)
   -> vodka

- Alex
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