Hi Henrik,
that's what I thought - moving lists back and forth between two variants of
lisp should somehow be manageable.
Thanks for the tip, I wil have a closer look.

BTW a lot of nice articles on your blog.

2011/3/24 Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com>

> Hi Again :)
> Yes I've done some experimenting in this direction here:
> http://www.prodevtips.com/2010/05/30/clojure-with-a-picolisp-database-via-clojure-http-client/
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Thorsten <
> gruenderteam.ber...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> one thing I like very much about emacs is the ability to run foreign
>> programs (like R and picolisp) as inferior process and communicate with them
>> as if they were part of emacs.
>> I wonder if one could build a picolisp app that fully integrates with R
>> (statistics software, http://www.r-project.org/) and GRASS GIS (a command
>> line GIS that uses a superset of shell commands, http://grass.fbk.eu/) on
>> its linux host machine?
>> Emacs obviously can use foreign programs, like ie ledger mode (
>> http://wwwemacswiki.org/emacs/LedgerMode<http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LedgerMode>)
>> which uses a fast program written in C++.  I wonder if picolisp can access
>> libraries written in other languages too?
>> It's always claimed that clojure is great because it has access to
>> countless java libraries on the jvm. But clojure is all about functional
>> programming, concurrency and avoiding mutable state, while java is all about
>> objects with mutable state. So it would only make sense for a clojure
>> program to call java libraries like pure functions without side effects and
>> use the return value, otherwise the clojure clean and scalable programming
>> model would be messed up.
>> Can't picolisp do this too? Call Java (and C, C++, Python ...) functions
>> (with a list of data, maybe) and use the return value? Maybe using clojure
>> as man in the middle between java and picolisp who takes care of converting
>> lists in other datastructures and vice versa?
>> Thanks any help on the road to picolisp enlightment
>> Thorsten

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