On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:
> Hi Edwin,
>> (wishful thinking: alternative syntax for representing transient
>> symbols without embedded spaces. maybe something like \xxx)
> Yeah, that's something I'm missing too. Transient symbols which
> represent not just strings simply look ugly.
> In fact, there exists something along that line, though not really a
> "syntax" in the traditional sense: Transient symbol markup.

this is way too complex. perhaps i didn't express myself clearly. i
was looking at something far simpler.

at the moment, we have transient symbols as "my transient symbols".
this syntax for this is just fine. what if we can express "MyParam", a
transient symbol as \MyParam (or something similar) (a personal quirk,
i dislike double quotes too much).

maybe implement '\' as a read macro (?) to convert \MyParam to
"MyParam" during read time.

anyway, i'm not pushing this too much. was just thinking out loud.

> This is something tc.rucho and I were experimenting with for quite a
> while. You can see it going in and out over the years if you search for
> '*Tsm' in CHANGES.
> In the end (since 3.0.6) we disabled it by default, as it caused too
> much confusion. But the mechanics for *Tsm are still in the system
> (doc/refT.html#*Tsm). You can switch in on by loading "lib/tsm.l":
>   $ ./p lib/tsm.l +
> or
>   $ ./dbg lib/tsm.l
> Transient symbol markup causes transient symbols to be displayed in an
> underlined font on the console, without the double quotes. Once you get
> used to it, it is a nice thing. The drawback is that it is difficult to
> be supported in most editors (tc.rucho implemented some support for it
> in emacs, and partially in vim).
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --
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