
Lately, I have been playing a bit with 'websocketd' (github.com/joewalnes/websocketd), a small command-line tool that turns any application that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server, and I have discovered that PicoLisp (at least the 32-bit), behaves a little different from other "applications" (incl. bash and ersatz/pil).

To use 'websocketd' you'll need a browser that supports WebSockets. Take a look here: <http://caniuse.com/websockets>. I also suggest that you put websocketd in a place where it can be found by your system with no need for you to specify its path each time you start it, but that's elementary stuff.

The easiest way to test websocketd with PicoLisp is to do this:

websocketd --port=8080 -devconsole pil
(You get cleaner results back from PicoLisp if you don't add the "+" after "pil".)

Now you can direct your browser to <http://localhost:8080/> and click the connect button to the left of the field that says "ws://localhost:8080/", and then you can start typing PicoLisp expressions. Where pil32 (and probably pil64) differs from ersatz/pil and other "applications", is that if you click the disconnect button, then pil32 is not terminated. On my Mac it instead starts using close to 100% CPU, and I have to kill it manually. If I, instead of clicking disconnect, type "(bye)", then PicoLisp terminates and I get a 'disconnect'.

If on the other side I do this:

websocketd --port=8080 -devconsole ./ersatz/pil

.. then clicking disconnect doesn't cause "abnormal" behaviour like described above.

Something else is that output that goes to STDERR, does not show up in the browser (it ends up in the websocketd log), and I guess that is why I don't see any response if I type something like "(foo)", where 'foo' is undefined. Can output to STDERR in an easy way be redirected to STDOUT in a REPL script? I have a tiny REPL script (to use instead of naked pil) that at the moment looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
(load "@lib/misc.l")

(in NIL
    (use (Exe Res)
        (until (eof)
            (setq Exe (read))
            (prin "-> ")
                (setq Res
                    (let @ Res
                        (eval Exe) ) ) )
            (flush) ) ) )

Have a Happy New Year!

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