Hi Alex,

> However, a function call is about the most expensive thing in PicoLisp. It
> interprets the parameter list (X), saves the old value of X, evaluates
(not X)
> and restores the value of X.

(de null..) was really unnecessary here :) I just wrote it for completeness
as part of the book exercise and after my earlier confusion regarding 'NIL,
NIL, '()...
Nice to know about 'def' when I need a bit of syntax sugar though !

I am starting to get the hang of the basics here I think.
I've been spending a bit of time bench'ing some of the recursive functions
and trying to eliminate the recursion or use a built-in function, as you
have often shown.

# my append
: (de cuius (X Y) (cond ((not X) Y) (T (cons (car X) (cuius (cdr X) Y)))))
: (bench (let (N ()) (for X 10000 (setq N (cuius N '(NIL)))) (length N)))
2.983 sec
-> 10000

# ...with nond
: (de cuius (X Y) (nond (X Y) (NIL (cons (car X) (cuius (cdr X) Y)))))
: (bench (let (N ()) (for X 10000 (setq N (cuius N '(NIL)))) (length N)))
2.644 sec
-> 10000

# ... neither of the above are even close in performance to ...
# append
: (bench (let (N ()) (for X 10000 (setq N (append N '(NIL)))) (length N)))
0.548 sec
-> 10000

# cons
: (bench (let (N '()) (for X 10000 (setq N (cons NIL N))) (length N)))
0.000 sec
-> 10000

# conc
: (bench (let (N (list)) (for X 9999 (conc N (list))) (length N)))
0.067 sec
-> 10000

# -- or --
: (bench (let (N ()) (setq N (need 10000)) (length N)))
0.000 sec
-> 10000.

Interestingly, I was expecting conc to be faster then (setq..(cons..). At
least in this case, it was not.


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