Hi Christopher,

> (list (box) (box) (box))
> ...
> ($177760526373112 $177760526373114 $177760526373116)

> Where each memory location is two more than the previous. I am wondering

Yes. BTW, these are actually cell addresses, not bytes. The values have to be
multiplied by 16 to get the physical addresses. And the value is printed in
octal representation.

Two cell are created for each symbol here, one for the symbol itself and one for
the list being built.

> if this behavior is guaranteed to always be the case, the implication

The observed offset of two is not guaranteed. Cells are picked sequentially from
the heap in the beginning, but from the Avail list after garbage collection, and
are not predictable.

> being one could have random access to any cell provided he knew the
> address of the first cell.

Correct. There is even a function for that, 'adr':

   : (box)
   -> $377166006651

   : (adr @)
   -> -34256457129

   : (oct @)
   -> "-377166006651"

♪♫ Alex
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