Thanks for sharing the presentation. Nice insights and a reminder of the
'full-stack' functionality available in picolisp.
I've mostly utilized it on the 'server-side'.

I would be very interested to hear more detail around how you built out the


On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 1:27 AM Mattias Sundblad <> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> > I also really enjoyed the presentation. Thank you for sharing!
> Thank you very much!
> > I'd be interested in hearing more about the django vs picolisp
> development
> > experience.
> My experience is that Django requires more work to set up. There are more
> things
> to handle and you work more with the framework and less with the actual
> problem,
> in my view.
> Django is ok as far as traditional frameworks go, and it does provide
> quite a
> lot of functionality out of the box. As long as you stay within those
> boundaries, you can get a lot done in a short time. However, once you need
> to
> step outside this box things get complicated. Most projects tend to reach
> for
> third party components in these cases, and end up with a very large
> application
> containing even larger parts which you do not have very much control over.
> We have many examples of web applications at work that are now composed of
> obsolete components, framework versions, etc. I am responsible for
> creating some
> of them. While it was possible for our small team to build them quickly in
> the
> first place, we have sadly been unable to maintain them, and it is now in a
> state where a re-write is probably the best way forward. In a way, the
> framework
> has made it possible for us to outrun ourselves, our capabilites. It has
> moved
> us to a place where we are no longer in control. In contrast, Picolisp
> seems to
> let you go as far forward as you are ready to handle at any given point in
> time.
> I have not used Flask much, but it seems to be a bit more minimalist
> compared to
> Django?
> Another point worth mentioning is the differences in learning experiences.
> While
> using Django, I mostly learned Django and not that much else. I became a
> developer who could only work within those confines. Picolisp on the other
> hand,
> was harder to get started with, but working with Pil has made me a much
> better
> programmer. It constantly challenges me in a good way and makes me learn
> things.
> The demo app provided with the distribution has been an invaluable help in
> getting started, together with Regenaxer and this community as a whole of
> course!
> This is my experience and my take on the matter. Naturally, it could of
> course
> be because I was an extraordinarily poor Django developer. However, I was
> still
> able to create several systems using the technology.
> Picolisp gives you ownership of the applications in a much better way, I
> think.
> You write the code you need and you own it afterwards, being able to
> change it,
> re-write it or even delete it, depending on the needs of your clients and
> users.
> It removes that sinking feeling I get when thinking about updating the old,
> outdated, applications written in "traditional" technologies. ;)
> > love to hear how picolisp compared. Did you use the stock picolisp gui
> > library?
> The first version did use the stock Picolisp gui, but the current version
> has a
> different look. This was mostly achieved through the use of a custom CSS,
> only
> very small changes were made to the Lisp code itself. Would this be an
> interesting subject to write a tutorial around?
> Best regards,
> Mattias
> --

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