Hi Priyadarshan,

> Could you point to me how to search for these topics:
> 1. Does PicoLisp have a "live image" one could connect to remotely?

You mean a remote REPL that could be used for playing around? I'm not aware of
one, it would also be quite a security hole.

> 2. Is it possible to wrap a PicoLisp program to produce an
> "executable", like for example cx-Freeze[1] for Python?

There is no built-in way.

BTW, are you aware that PicoLisp does not run on Microsoft Windows?

> 3. If not, how could one "protect" the source code after deployment?

There is no built-in "protect"ion in that sense. You could (map zap (all)) to
remove all symbol names, but this is tricky as some symbols might have to be
excluded if they are used in I/O of that application.

> 4. If possible, where can one download the PicoLisp Mailing List
> archives?
> I would like to search and browse offline, using my own mail
> reader. Mail-archive.com's FAQ says, "You can use any website
> mirroring tool to download an archive in HTML format to your local
> computer."[2] But that HTML makes it quite difficult to read for
> people with weak sight.

I could prepare a tarball of all mbox files I have and send them to you by PM.
Would that help?

> 5. Are there any PicoLisp events one could attend, preferably in
> Europe and in English? I am currently based in North Italy and I would
> like to attend one if I can.

By chance we are just now in IRC in the process of discussing this. It is not
yet decided and announced here, but if so it might be at end of July in south

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