count me in  and if you need help on locations , u know how to contact me !

Am 25.12.2019 um 10:56 schrieb Alexander Burger:
Hi all,

a merry Christmas to everybody! o/

Since a few weeks we were discussing in the #picolisp IRC channel about holding
a PicoLisp Conference in Langweid / Germany next year.

It would be on July 27th (Mon), 28th (Tue), and - if necessary - 29th. I can get
a room and equipment for about 30 people, in "Kulturbahnhof", the old Langweid
train station building.

With this mail I'd like to find out how many people are actually interested to
participate, and their probabilities of attendance (in percent).

Langweid is by train 15 minutes from Augsburg, or one hour from München central
station. There are some hotels/pensions in Langweid, and more in Augsburg or one
of the villages nearby (reachable by train or bus).

I could make two or three presentations about what I'm working on currently,
anybody else is welcome to do the same, and/or we could make a general PicoLisp

One of the oldest PicoLisp customers (since 2002, also the one with the largest
user base) is about 3 km from Langweid, and I have a probable OK that some
interested conference attendees might join to visit them.

Let's discuss further details here in the list, or perhaps in the wiki at

I wish peaceful days and a good start into 2020 for all of you!

☺/ A!ex


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