Hi Alex et al,
I've been working on miniPicoLisp source with the idea of making it more
easy to understand - granted, it's really simple but it's simplicity may
not be apparent from looking at the source to some (such as myself). For
instance, it took me some time to get what's going on with the optimized
string storage. So, one of the changes I did was to switch to 7 bits for
all. So I am trying to alter the code to make it easy for guys like me :)

I have a couple of questions

1. About RAM vs ROM. Call me lazy but I would really appreciate a
description of how the RAM vs ROM decision is taken here (and in general
too..I mean, it is not clear to me how gen3m.c determines how something is
never written to or not)
            if (x > 0)
               Rom[x] = strdup(buf);
               Ram[-x] = strdup(buf);

2. Can I try and make the CELL have an additional byte to store the TYPE
and get rid using tagged pointers? Clearly, it would be less efficient at
runtime but perhaps it would be more easy to understand. Is there any
reason that this would not work?


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