Interesting. You might have also run into no "excution bits" on Intel

In Lisp, "code is data, data is code". There simply is no separation the
like - "code here, data there". Typical Lisp JIT emits machine code, where

This is a common and well known problem. Unsure, if you can disable that
behavior in Apple BIOS. And even then you must recompile with options.

US hardware and software stacks increasingly become nebulous.

Have fun, Guido Stepken

Am Dienstag, 21. April 2020 schrieb Andras Pahi <>:
> Hi,
> Maybe not related to this one, but on Mac OS X the heap size is limited
> to 65532KB. On startup picolisp fails to set the unlimited stack size,
> And use the actual ulimit so on the first run I’ve got a SIGSEGV running
> code2015.l
> Andras
>> On 2020. Apr 21., at 10:38, Mike <> wrote:
>> hi all,
>>> If you are interested I have patched the 19.12 32bit sources to compile
without GCC.
>>> I have attached the changed files: pico.h, main.c, apply.c and flow.c
>>> Since clang does not support variable length array in structures I
allocate the bindFrame
>>> with alloca() and provided a macro in pico.h to ease this: allocFrame()

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