Thanks Alex.
Looks like plenty of other db docs/tutorials on the website - will have a look 
at those.

> On Mar 2, 2021, at 2:44 PM, Alexander Burger <> wrote:
> Hi Todd,
>> The tutorial on the docs page use to have a nice section on database
>> functionality and a brief intro to pilog. Are those docs still available
>> somewhere on the picolisp site? Can’t seem to locate.
> Right, they do not exist any more in the pil21 release :(
> The reason is that they
>   1. used the outdated pil32 format
>   2. required that the distro contains all those example and database files,
>      significantly blowing up the size just for a seldom used tutorial.
> So indeed they should be rewritten for pil21 (thus compatible to pil64) and
> published in a separate place (ideally on Also, they could be a
> lot more elaborated.
> ☺/ A!ex
> -- 


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