Hi Alex,

Thank you for your suggestions, I have traced listen and wait and both have
The parameters are as expected (Ms is NIL, Sd is 17).

As Mike tested on macOS Big Sur and it worked, the problem is in my setup.


> On 2021. Apr 15., at 19:11, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:
> Hi Andras,
>> /pil app/main.l -ap~main -'go 4040' +
>> 6538 = 58885 48782252818959702~
>> ap: !? (wait Ms T "Sd")
>> Select error: Invalid argument
>> ...
>> It has the same behavior as the previous version of pil21.
> Yeah, I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that today's change in
> gPoll() is only relevant for very large (> 24 days) timeouts. Such a timeout 
> is
> seldom used, I think.
> So what causes the above error?
> It happens in 'listen' (line 94 in @lib/net.l):
>   (de listen (Sd Ms)
>      (loop
>         (NIL (wait Ms T Sd))
>         (T (accept Sd) @) ) )
> "Select error" is issued by poll(). But which argument is ivalid?
> Can you try to trace or debug?
> Is the socket descriptor invalid? The 'Ms' argument must be NIL cause listen 
> is
> called by 'server' as (listen P). Thus 'wait' passes 292MY to waitFd().
> Any idea?
> ☺/ A!ex
> -- 
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