On 11.05.21 10:30, Mike wrote:
>> I will try to find out more. The problem is in 'listen' so the 'wait' or
>> 'accept'. I can send from PicoLisp to a listening netcat, but sending
>> from netcat to a listening PicoLisp hangs.
> Please run your code on latest pil21 from now or show us example of code.

I will write more, when I understand the problem a little better. I
don't expect, that you can debug this over mail ;)

This is on lates pil21 on a OpenBSD snapshot.

This works:

$ nc -l 8888                    # one terminal

: (connect "localhost" 8888)    # another terminal
-> 4
: (out 4 (pr "test\n"))
-> "test^J"

I get this, if I try it the other way round

: (port 7777)           # one terminal
-> 3
: (in (listen 3) (line))
-> NIL                  # waits and returns NIL when nc connects.

$ nc localhost 36652    # another terminal

> BTW, sending over udp works:
> https://software-lab.de/doc/refU.html#udp

Yes, udp works.


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