Hi Jason,

> ie. we should really track down what is making it coredump in the
> non-'+'-suffixed
> '(argv)' case when no error was reported when debugging is enabled by
> '+' argv suffix - that was my only picolisp specific complaint .

As I tried to explain several times in this thread (in this list and in direct
mails), this has NOTHING to do with the debug mode.

It is accidental that it happens only in debug mode here. Typical for such kinds
of bugs which access memory in the wrong way.

We call them "Heisenbugs" because they are often hard to reproduce, and
disappear as soon as the memory layout is changed some way (e.g. by inserting
debug code, calling garbage collection in another moment etc.).

More often it is the opposite: Production code crashes, but when trying to debug
it it does not.

In your case, you accessed the heap via an additional indirection (using the
value of the variable instead of the variable itself). So it depends where that
indirection points to: If it is some "safe" place to access, nothing happens, if
not, it crashes.

You should have noticed early on by testing that the code is wrong and does
never deliver reasonable results, because it can never have worked correctly.

I have lots of other critics too. You seem quite resistant to advices ;)

1. In https://www.mail-archive.com/picolisp@software-lab.de/msg11265.html I told
   you three errors in the code but you still did not fix them.

2. In https://www.mail-archive.com/picolisp@software-lab.de/msg11264.html I
   wrote that binding 'cnt' to zero is a fatal mistake (setting a buit-in
   function to a null pointer. This is also not fixed.

3. In the mails I told you to PLEASE stick with the PicoLisp naming conventions!
   Having all local variables in lower case is an absolute no-go. You can see
   this very well with your 'cnt' example above. Using 'Cnt' (case!) would solve

Please call (lintAll) after loading your code, and fix all those many issues
with wrong, unused and unbound variables.

☺/ A!ex

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