I'm excited to announce the first Seattle Hadoop Day, on August 14th!

Get your tickets at http://hadoopday2010.eventbrite.com.

Hadoop Day is a day-long community-organized event where we gather to
discuss and learn the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It's the first of its
kind in Seattle, and we're excited to bring it to you!

Unlike other conferences, Hadoop Day focuses on hands-on education as
well as speakers. You'll have lessons with set problems to solve and
scripts to help get you up-and-running so you can focus on learning
Hadoop, not setting up an environment. (An advanced track with
fascinating speakers is available for folks who don't want to do

By the end of the event, all participants will have the knowledge to
easily explain Hadoop to their peers, and also develop applications
Best of all, this event is free, because it's for the community! (But
please don't get a ticket unless you're sure you'll attend.)

Hadoop Day is hosted by Drawn to Scale (http://drawntoscalehq.com),
and sponsored by Amazon Web Services (http://aws.amazon.com),
Miller-Perry,  Cloudera (http://www.cloudera.com), and others.


Bradford Stephens,
Founder, Drawn to Scale

http://www.drawntoscalehq.com --  The intuitive, cloud-scale data
solution. Process, store, query, search, and serve all your data.

http://www.roadtofailure.com -- The Fringes of Scalability, Social
Media, and Computer Science

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