Can you give the multiple rows an id and use that ? In your example , can
you assign a user-group id for each type of user (or maybe a map with
attributes if a user can belong to multiple groups), and then process using
that attribute or id ?
(I might not have understood the problem correctly, example of input and
output data might help)

On 8/28/10 11:10 AM, "Christian Decker" <> wrote:

> The title might be a bit misleading but I hope you can help me.
> I have some data (let's say a Web Log file) and I want to be able to compare
> multiple items with each other. For example I want to know what items are
> popular in certain user groups, which means that I want to find items which
> got many successive hits from users from that group in a short period of
> time.
> Until now I only worked on the rows in an isolated manner, that is items
> could be filtered or modified, without any knowledge of other records, but
> this now requires to consider multiple records, and I have no clue as to how
> approach this problem.
> Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Chris

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