These chemicals are (mostly) the same ones that I use for processing regular 
film.  I've never before had a problem with these.  

The new chemical I used was Ilford paper developer... I think it is the HC.  
You could dilute 1:9 or 1:14, and I chose the latter.  When I first mixed it 
up, it seemed fine.

Everything seemed fine, actually, until I closed the door to the bathroom, and 
left it that way so I could work under the safelight.  I developed one picture. 
  By the time I was putting it into the fixer, I thought the chemical smell was 
growing, but paid it no mind.  I put it in the wash, and left to go take my 
pinholes.  We have felines in the house, so I closed the door again so they 
wouldn't get themselves into any trouble.

When I came back the second time, the smell was discernibly stronger.  I can 
only imagine that my little bathroom fan isn't enough to handle this.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Yeo []
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 1:53 PM
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] new to list/pinhole photography

Are you sure you diluted your chemicals correctly?  What chemicals are you
using?  If the smell is so strong you can't stand to be in the room, there's
probably a problem.


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