>===== Original Message From "George L Smyth" <glsm...@myway.com> =====
>For some reason I do not get a scroll bar on the right, so I am not able to 
get to all of the 
images in the left frame.

I wanted a clean look without the grid like pattern scroll bars impart to a 
page. I had only 
six thumbnails on each artist and thought they would show up even on a 15" 
monitor but 
perhaps I didn't take into consideration different resolution settings one 
might be using. If 
you turn your browser chrome off you should see the entire list. Browser 
Chrome is the 
term for the large graphic buttons and address line at the top of your 
browser. On my 
Internet Explorer the button for this is on the left under the tool bar 
favorites. When I do 
this I can see them all on my small laptop. I still need to learn some lean 
flash tricks 
before I try any of that on my page. I was trying to make my pages quick 
loading in order 
to pass the Smyth test but I guess I failed in this one area ;-)


Chris Peregoy

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