Way to go...... sounds like a wayyyy cool idea...... 

Not to rain in your creative parade Guy..... but more as an adjunctive 
thought. There is a photographer who takes a slightly different approach in 
that he seals off a room, be it a hotel room , a conference room, what have 
you , and leaves a small aperature  for a "pinhole ", , and records the 
inverted image projected upon the walls complete with whatever furniture is 
there too, He sets up a "glassed camera " opposite the image that appears 
projected..... he has done rooms in Manhattan,, a hotel room in Las Vegas , a 
conference room somewhere, I forget off hand,.. If memory serves me well, I 
believe his "glassed  camera " exposures are in the neighborhood of 8 hours , 
he simply trips the shutter and locks it on B, then leaves the room for that 
extended time.. Should anyone want to see his works, or have, his name is 
Abelardo Morrell . I want to say I have seen a couple of his images in a 
gallery website, just where , I cant recall at this moment , but I have seen 
his works in galleries  for the most part, should I come across the URL site 
with his pictures , I will post the URL here . 

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